Get a map and select your preferred area of town you’re interested in. Look in these areas first and then expand these areas in the event you don’t find what you want. Save time by speaking to your agent or the seller before visiting prospective homes. A simple conversation may save you a visit to an inappropriate home. Have your agent give you the addresses of the prospective homes they have found on the MLS and do a drive by. A visual is worth a thousand words and you may save time once you’ve seen the outside. Viewing the outside may decide whether you are interested enough to tour the inside along with your real estate agent.
Express your likes and dislikes to your
real estate agent that way they can focus better on your real desires before going forward. If you pay multiple visits to the same home try to go at different times of the day. Things may seem different in the daylight then they would in the evening and vice versa. Try to visit during the week and again on the weekend to see the changing character of the neighborhood. Pay particular attention to noise in the area and don’t forget traffic on the street front.
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